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How to Keep your Skin Hydrated

Fall is my favorite time of year! I love seeing pumpkins, mums and all the cute outfits that the season brings!  I know I have been loving sweater weather, have you?! Give me all the espresso’s, oversized sweaters and fuzzy house shoes! If you’ve been following my Instagram @curlsandcashmere, then you’ll know how much I have been wearing these must-have house shoes that I ordered from Target! Cozy goodness!  The only bummer is that with the cold weather, comes dry skin. The drier the air, the more moisture is drained from your skin. I have very sensitive skin so taking care of my skin in the winter becomes more of a chore.  Like clockwork, this time of year rolls around and my usual flaky, red spots make an appearance along with my face feeling dry. Today I want to share a few tips on how to keep your skin hydrated during the cooler months.

I have been a longtime advocate of using a facial mist to help tone your skin and keep it properly hydrated. I was so excited to partner with Olay and introduce you to one of their brand-new products…The new Olay Hydrating Mists. I prefer the Calming Mist as I have mentioned before, I tend to struggle with red prone, easily irritated skin. The Calming Mist was right up my alley with its hydrating ingredients like Aloe Leaf, Chamomile, Vitamin B3 and glycerin.  Aloe Vera acts as a hydrating agent and helps calm the skin. Chamomile is known for soothing properties and is full of antioxidants.  Both ingredients help hydrate, calm and reduce that dry and tight feeling I experience after I cleanse my face, even when I use the gentlest of cleansers.  I can also be prone to a breakout here and there, so when I read on the label that the Olay Mist contains no oils, parabens or artificial colors, I was totally confident in using it and staying breakout free.

How to Keep your Skin Hydrated 

I have been using the Olay Calming mist for the past month and have been very pleased. It has become habit for me to immediately mist my skin as soon as I get out of the shower and while my face is still damp. I mist my neck and chest as well. I cannot stand for my face to feel tight, so this has really helped. Another benefit of using the mist right after the shower is the steam from the shower opens my pores, allowing more absorption to happen.  The mist helps act as a barrier by filling my pores with healthy ingredients so less harmful toxins can enter.  

I also keep one in my purse to refresh while I am out and about…Besides the mist feeling very refreshing, you can use while you have a full face of makeup on as a touch up for an added glow.  I would recommend taking one with you if you travel a lot on airplanes as well…my skin always looks so dull and drab after a flight! Remember your skin is your body’s largest and most exposed organ, so it requires adequate hydration.  Scary Fact: Your skin constantly loses hydration and throughout the course of a day, up to 50% of moisture is lost. Stay away dry, crepey skin!

Other benefits of proper skin hydration:

  • By using the mist, it boosts your skin hydration by up to 60%, which can in turn make your skin appear more plump and supple. YES, please!
  • The buildup of dead skin cells can be combatted and keep that glowy complexion we all crave.
  • Your skin faces so many toxins throughout the day in the environment and bacteria from our cell phones and etc…by staying hydrated and in tip top shape, it helps fight free radicals and toxins easier.
  • Acne is never anyone’s friend; the moment you see that little red dot is an immediate disappointment. By staying hydrated, less oil builds up and you’ll have less oh man pimple moments.

Additional tips to help with skin hydration:

  • When it’s cold, our natural reaction is to blast the heater. Heated air causes low humidity which in turns acts as a moisture vacuum. I use a humidifier in my room to help combat dry air.
  • Turn your heater down to a lower setting. This helps the skin stay moisturized. Also, you will see savings on your electric bill! (Money saved means more cute shoes! Ha!)
  • Even though it’s not swimsuit weather for most of us, there are still sun rays out. Be sure to continue using a daily SPF no matter what.
  • Limit the length of your showers. Excessive steam from showers can dry out your skin. I admit, I LOVE a hot shower more than anyone, but I force myself to get out to keep from drying my skin out.
  • Be sure to drink a TON of water per day. While I am typing this, I have a huge water bottle next to me. I do drink at least 2 coffees per day and maybe even a Diet Coke some days, so drinking water is always on my mind. Water consumption helps rid the body/skin of toxins. I can always tell by the appearance of my skin if I’m drinking enough water or not.

I hope these tips on how to keep your skin hydrated have helped you come up with a game plan to prevent dry, tight skin! I encourage you to consider a trip to Target to pick up the new Olay Mists or you can always order here. Your skin will thank you! As always, thank YOU so much for reading and supporting this blog. Happy Fall!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Olay. The opinions and text are all mine.

Thank you to Olay Mists for sponsoring this post. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible.

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